Sunday, February 17, 2008

Austin Event Photographer - Daddy Daughter Dance

If anyone ever tells you that writing blogs is easy, please pop them once for me! Kate asked me to write a blog about a recent event called a Father/ Daughter dance in which we set up two portable studios with matching backgrounds to maintain continuity and allow the line to move quickly. Prior to the event you would have thought we had this in the bag and bring em' on! Little did we know how many they would bring on! Even though we had two lines and were moving our subjects quickly through our process, the line never seemed to get shorter! Kate and I were on one line and Frank and Patricia were on the other and neither set up was empty at any time. Michaela was taking and processing orders with blinding speed but to no avail. There must have been a recent boon of families with daughters in this part of Austin! Now, I realize I am making this sound out of control but it was quite the contrary, even though we were working with over whelming numbers, we kept working to move as many people through our system until everyone was photographed and happy with their portrait! We even had one couple come up after they had turned the lights on and we stayed to photograph them and gave them their portrait to take home. They were very happy. All in all it was a tiring experience but also a fun one to see these little girls proudly posing in their beautiful dresses with their daddys. Even though some of these little ones grew a little grumpy in line while they waited, my hat is off to their dads for keeping them entertained and smiling when their time came.
I can't wait for the Mother/ Son dance to see those little guys in their suits!


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andy said...
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